When thinking of life coaches, the vision of a strangely clad, eerily spiritual fanatic may come to mind. This is a misconception perpetrated by the media and others without correct information on the subject.
So, the question is: what is a life coach? Broadly answered, as mentioned here, a life coach is one who promotes positive change in the life of his or her client. There are many areas in life in which a coach can be most helpful.
Physical Goals
At times, everyone needs a little help getting back on track with the things that are most valued. For those who are open to it, a life coach could help in this regard. For instance, some may decide they would like to live a healthier life,exercise, and set specific weight and nutrition goals. A coach would help keep the person motivated while helping to outline the steps which would need to be taken to carry this out. They would engage at a personal level and work in a way that best coincides with how the person operates.
Spiritual Goals
For many, becoming more centered in their spiritual life is what most moves them. But, some may not have spiritual advisors or leaders in their lives who can take as much time as they would like to work toward their spiritual goals. A good coach is able to help, regardless of the belief system held, because their goal is the satisfaction of the client. Of course, a good coach also would be able to refer out if the differences were too great for the coach to provide positive assistance.
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Emotional Goals
Many have been able to benefit from the help of a coach in dealing with emotional issues. This can range anywhere from anxiety to learning to unload traumatic experiences. While they are not psychologist, they can work in tandem with receiving professional care by offering further support. It can also be a good way to gauge the progression of a particular treatment plan. Often times, when going through emotional issues, feeling alone can exacerbate the issue.
Many have reaped tremendous benefits from having a life coach. An online article discussing the subject states that persons who took advantage of having the guidance of a coach reported benefits such as having the comfort of knowing they could talk to someone who would listen objectively, allowing them full self-expression. Others noted that having a third party outside of the people already in their lives helped them to gain a new perspective and successfully work toward desired goals. But, more than anything, many have reported that their coach becomes that voice in their own head, removing blocks which may have in the past kept them from moving forward. In the end, a good coach will help the individual learn to help empower himself, not needing input or guidance from anyone. Eventually, the goal is that client should be able to offer assistance in someone else’s life in creating a positive experience.
While there are all types of coaches that come from all walks of life, to believe any stereotypes would be wrong. Approaching the topic of life coaches is one that can be helpful to many with open minds; after all, one person learning to add more positive energy within society will only have a trickling effect.